I have never climbed an actual mountain. A hill or two, yes...Everest no. So it comes at no surprise to finally "put up" or "shutup" for our climb has come. Accordingly, Bob and I are packing our tents, goggles, boots, and gloves for our assent up Everest... (Abbey Road Studios) (For those of you real Beatle nerds, you understand the Everest/Abbey Road reference. If not, you have some googling to do).
Chris Bolster has been assigned as our recording engineer in the famed Studio Two. (look him up on AbbeyRoad.com.) He has a brilliant resume, and has engineering experience on projects for McCartney, Lennon, and a few other hundred people I'm sure you've heard of. And now...Chris will get to add "Tim and Bob" to his curriculum vitae.
In our few e-mail exchanges with Chris I suspect he is as gonzo for audio gear as much as Bob and I are. Hmmm let's see here...3 guys in a famous huge recording studio with all the best new and old recording gear...why its going to be a NERDFEST!!!! Chris even eluded to recording in Mono!!!! I love this guy and I haven't even met him yet.
So for those of you still awake, we depart for England December 4th. Arrive the 5th. Pace nervously in the Abbey Road Crosswalk December 6 and 7th. Arrive at EMI, Abbey Road Studios front door at 10am December 8th and begin our 12 hour (or 720 minute or 43,200 seconds) of mountain climbing at it's best.
And savoring every second of the expedition I assure you.)
Details shared as they become available and postable.