Even the best made plans have an adjustment. or tweaking. or just completely changing altogether. Accordingly, since our last post, plans have changed. Bob and I made the decision to produce an extensive video documentary from our Abbey Road experience and decided not to host a live performance in Tacoma. Thanks to all of you and your encouraging words and continued patience in hearing our two finished songs. We think you will like what we will have once we finally get the entire project finished. No promises for release date as video editing is like watching paint dry.
So we charge ahead...and boy have we really jumped into the deep-end head first. October 16th-18th, Bob and I filmed the final on-camera portions of our documentary "Journey To Abbey Road". We also have the makings of two music videos in the can as well. We have a video editor wizard named Cory Turner who is scouring through hours of video footage and promises a presentable cornucopia of amusement that will fit into your DVD player.
Thanks to the instructors and students at Bates College in Tacoma for the expert help and use of their video studios. They made us feel like rock stars for a day.
More details and maybe a video teaser or two coming up. Stand by.