As anyone who knows the most basic Beatles trivia, working titles were occasionally used for songs...such as "Scrambled Eggs" for the song "Yesterday". So, accordingly, for this blog I have a working title. The real title will come along...probably at the end of the blog post. mmmm eggs
My how time flies when you procrastinate. Before you know it...months have flown by and...nothing. Oh...I did wear out 3 sets of AAA batteries on the TV remote control. And now I have carpel tunnel on my button pushing thumb.
In the many months that has transpired since recording we:
- Celebrated Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, etc
- Watched the Economy tank. (still watching)
- Bob mixed and remixed and remixed again our songs to perfection.
- Bob's lovely wife Liz went insane hearing the same two songs over and over and over again.
- Our songs were sent back to ABBEY ROAD and mastered by the technical wizards that know such things.
- Liz returned to sanity with Bob vowing never to even mention our two songs again.
Where was I?...oh yes...we're now getting ready for our CD and DVD release party...which will be come hell or hiawatha December 8th in Tacoma. (Location is still being procrastinated as I speak.)
Why December 8th you ask? A Tuesday? Because December 8th will be a year to the day we recorded at Abbey Road. A year. 365 DAYS.
Speaking of Abbey Road, it is simply amazing how many people now know we recorded there...I mean...this project has gone viral. How did word of this get out to so many people?
As an example, just today, I was at a local restaurant...
Me: What is the lunch special ?
Waitress: Beef Stroganoff
Me: Is it the kind they serve in the cafeteria at ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS...?
Waitress: Huh?
Me: YEP, RECORDED IN STUDIO TWO...you know...the BEATLES STUDIO...recorded two songs in December...yep, LONDON ENGLAND...ABBEY ROAD...
Waitress: Do you want fries with that?
Or just yesterday at the shoe store...
Me: Do you have anything similar to a Beatles Boot in size 10?
Salesperson: What's a Beatles Boot?
Me: ...THATS RIGHT, I RECORDED AT THE BEATLES STUDIO, ABBEY ROAD...but you probably knew that... surprisingly everyone seems to know that I RECORDED AT ABBEY ROAD...
Salesperson: I hate old people. I'm going to lunch now.
Me: Try the Beef Stroganoff
So...as you can see, word continues to leak out. December 8th, will require us to find an establishment that has great sound and video qualities and a well-stocked bar wouldn't hurt either. We plan on playing live and we hope to be able to con other talented musicians to join in the festivities.
More details as they become details. And Beef Stroganoff sounds really good right about now don't ya think?
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